Truck Mount Carpet Cleaner: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of struggling with stubborn carpet stains that just won't budge? Look no further! Introducing the El Diablo truck mount carpet cleaner, a powerful carpet cleaning machine for professional carpet cleaning service providers. The El Diablo truck mount is designed to tackle even the toughest dirt and grime. These units are mounted on commercial vans with sturdy truck frames for easy transportation and operation. This innovative solution is revolutionizing the world of professional carpet cleaning services.

With truck mount carpet cleaners, you can say goodbye to mediocre results and hello to pristine carpets. These state-of-the-art machines, such as the El Diablo Truck Mounts machine, not only boast incredible suction power and extraction capabilities but produce the hottest water available on the market today. They effortlessly remove deep-seated dirt, and residues leaving your carpets looking fresh and revitalized.

Unlike traditional cleaners, truck mounts with onboard hoses and cleaning water supplies offer unparalleled convenience. No more lugging heavy equipment around, refilling smaller machines, or dealing with dumping dirty water tanks. Simply hitch up your truck-mounted machine, fire it up, and let the cleaning system work its magic on every square foot of your customers’ carpets.

Investing in a high-quality truck mount carpet cleaner with a powerful vacuum, durable solution hoses, and an efficient blower from brands like El Diablo Truck Mounts ensures a lifetime of exceptional performance. So why settle for subpar results when you can experience professional-grade cleanliness right at your feet?

Upgrade to a truck mount carpet cleaner today and witness the difference it makes in transforming your customers’ carpets from dull to dazzling!

Benefits and Advantages of Using a Truck Mount Carpet Cleaner

Deeply cleans carpets, removing dirt and stains effectively

Using a truck mount carpet cleaner offers numerous benefits. One of the key advantages is its ability to deeply clean carpets, effectively removing dirt and stains. Unlike other cleaning methods that may only address surface-level grime, a truck mount carpet cleaner utilizes high water pressure and powerful suction to penetrate deep into the fibers of your carpets.

With its robust cleaning capabilities, a truck mount carpet cleaner can eliminate stubborn dirt particles that have settled deep within the carpet. This ensures a thorough cleaning process that leaves your carpets looking revitalized and free from unsightly stains. Whether you're dealing with muddy footprints or spilled beverages, this powerful cleaning equipment with a blower will tackle even the toughest messes. Its high water capacity and specifications guarantee more effective cleaning.

Faster drying time compared to other cleaning methods

In addition to its exceptional cleaning power, another advantage of using a truck mount carpet cleaner, such as the El Diablo Truck Mount is its ability to significantly reduce drying time. Traditional methods often involve excessive moisture that can take hours or even days for carpets made of stainless steel to fully dry. However, with a truck mount carpet cleaner's efficient extraction system, excess moisture is swiftly removed from the carpets, ensuring a shorter drying lifetime.

By extracting more water during the cleaning process, these machines expedite the drying time considerably, ensuring a lifetime of use. This not only allows you to resume regular activities in your home or office sooner but also helps prevent potential issues like mold growth due to prolonged dampness. With faster drying times, you can enjoy freshly cleaned carpets without any inconvenience or risk to your health.

Increased productivity due to high water pressure and suction power

One of the standout features of an El Diablo truck mount carpet cleaner is its high water pressure, hot water, and suction power. These machines are equipped with robust stainless steel pumps capable of delivering strong jets of water into the carpet fibers while simultaneously extracting dirt-laden water efficiently. With its warranty, the El Diablo truck mount carpet cleaner provides a durable and reliable machine for professional cleaning.

The combination of high-pressure spraying, hottest water available, and powerful suction results in increased productivity during the cleaning process. With a truck mount carpet cleaner, you can cover larger areas in less time compared to other cleaning methods. This makes it an ideal choice for professional cleaners who want to tackle extensive carpeted spaces effectively and efficiently. The lifetime of a truck mount carpet cleaner is longer compared to other models, thanks to its heavy duty construction.

Moreover, the powerful suction of a truck mount carpet cleaner ensures that more dirt and debris are extracted from the carpets, leaving them exceptionally clean. The enhanced productivity provided by these machines allows you to accomplish your cleaning tasks swiftly, saving both time and effort.

Comparing Different Truck Mount Carpet Cleaning Machines and Systems

Factors to Consider When Comparing Machines

There are several important factors to consider when comparing different cleaning machines. These factors, such as the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, play a crucial role in determining the best choice. When evaluating different machines, it is essential to keep in mind key points.

  1. Water Temperature: The temperature of the water used in the cleaning process can greatly impact its effectiveness. Look for a machine that offers adjustable water temperature settings, allowing you to tackle various types of stains and dirt.

  2. Pressure: The amount of pressure generated by the machine is crucial for deep cleaning carpets. Higher pressure ensures better agitation and extraction, resulting in cleaner carpets. Look for a machine with sufficient pressure capabilities.

  3. Vacuum Power: The suction power of the vacuum system determines how effectively dirt and moisture are extracted from carpets. A powerful vacuum ensures faster drying times and thorough cleaning results.

Evaluating Size and Capacity

Efficient operation of truck mount carpet cleaning machines is essential. Here's what you should consider regarding the size and capacity of the El Diablo truck mount machine.

  1. Waste Tank Size: A larger waste tank allows for longer operating times without frequent emptying, increasing productivity on the job site. Look for machines with ample waste tank capacity suitable for your specific needs.

  2. Solution Tank Capacity: Similarly, a larger solution tank reduces downtime spent refilling, enabling continuous cleaning without interruptions.

Additional Features That Matter

Apart from the core specifications, some additional features like stainless steel can enhance the performance of truck mount carpet cleaning machines.

  1. Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers help maintain consistent water temperature throughout extended periods of use, ensuring optimal cleaning results even during long jobs.

  2. Chemical Injection Systems: Some machines come equipped with chemical injection systems that allow you to apply pre-treatments or specialized solutions directly onto carpets during the cleaning process. This feature can be beneficial for tackling stubborn stains or heavily soiled areas.

El Diablo Truckmount Package with 25 HP Kohler Engine

If you're in the market for a powerful and efficient carpet cleaning solution, look no further than the El Diablo Truckmount with a 25 HP Kohler Engine. This top-of-the-line truck mount offers exceptional performance and provides up to 25% fuel savings over a similar carbureted engine (a $500 to $1,000 gas savings over a 1,000 hour year).

One of the standout features of the El Diable truck mount is its 195,000 BTU Diesel heater. This system boasts of providing the hottest water in the industry. This heater allows for supplying high cleaning temperatures of 230°F and higher with up to 2,000 PSI. Within 30 seconds of a cold start, it can achieve and maintain water temperatures of up to 200°F plus. With this machine, you can achieve enhanced cleaning results thanks to its ability to generate and maintain high temperatures.

But that's not all – this package also provides outstanding water extraction capabilities. The Kunkle Valve in the waste tank controls the vacuum regulation system limited relief to 14” of mercury, preventing vacuum and airflow loss which is common on traditional spring-loaded relief valves. This system allows for long hose runs of 600 ft. single wand or 300 ft. dual wand cleaning with performance that rivals units with 47 or 56 blowers.

The chemical injection system allows direct chemical injection without a separate chemical pump and is accurate and trouble-free.

The open design allows for easy access to all components and fittings. Maintenance is simplified with access to the engine, oil filter, air filter, and spark plugs. Changing oil is a breeze with engine oil drain conveniently located on the front of the machine.

Few can match up to the El DiabloTruckmount. Not only does it offer superior performance and durability, but it also provides excellent value for money.

So if you're looking for a reliable and efficient stainless steel carpet cleaning solution that can handle even the toughest jobs, look no further than the El Diablo Truck Mount. With its powerful performance, large waste tank capacity, and fuel efficiency, this is a game-changer in the world of commercial carpet cleaning. Say goodbye to dirty carpets and hello to sparkling clean floors with this top-notch truck mount!

Where to Buy or Find Truck Mount Carpet Cleaning Equipment and Packages

El Diablo Truck Mounts is the Manufacturer of the El Diablo Truck Mount Carpet Cleaning Machine

We have a convenient online store to explore carpet cleaning supplies. We offer a wide range of products and accessories tailored specifically for professional carpet cleaners.

Attend Trade Shows or Industry Events to Explore Different Options

Attending trade shows and industry events is an excellent way to connect with manufacturers, distributors, and other professionals in the carpet cleaning industry. El Diablo Truck Mounts can be found at many of these trade shows so you can talk to us in person. These events often showcase the latest advancements in equipment and provide an opportunity to compare different truck-mount carpet cleaning options side by side. Here are a few notable trade shows and events you may want to consider:

  • The International Cleaning Expo: This annual event brings together professionals from various sectors of the cleaning industry, including carpet cleaning. It features exhibitors showcasing their products, providing demonstrations, and offering exclusive deals on truck mount carpet cleaners.

  • The Experience Convention and Trade Show: Is the ideal location for anyone seeking information and solutions in the Restoration, Cleaning, and Remediation industries.

  • Mikey’s Fest: This event features a full day of cleaning and restoring carpet, vinyl, stone counters, leather, and fabric furniture, on-site rugs, and tile and grout, with the very best instructors in our industry!


In conclusion, a truck mount carpet cleaner offers numerous benefits and advantages for effective carpet cleaning. These powerful machines are designed to tackle tough stains and deeply embedded dirt, leaving carpets looking fresh and revitalized.

One of the key advantages of using a truck mount carpet cleaner is their superior cleaning power. These machines generate high heat and suction, allowing them to remove even the most stubborn stains and dirt particles from your carpets. With their powerful performance, you can achieve professional-level results in no time.

Another benefit is the convenience that comes with using a truck mount carpet cleaner. Unlike portable or rental machines, truck mounts are permanently mounted in a vehicle, eliminating the need for manual setup and transportation. This saves you time and effort, making the cleaning process more efficient.

Furthermore, truck mount carpet cleaners offer versatility in terms of different machine options available in the market. It's important to find reliable suppliers who offer quality products. Take advantage of online platforms or trade shows that specialize in professional cleaning equipment to ensure you get the best value for your investment.

To sum up, investing in a truck mount carpet cleaner can greatly enhance your carpet cleaning experience. With their superior cleaning power, convenience, and versatile options available in the market today, these machines provide an efficient solution for maintaining clean and fresh carpets.


Q: How often should I use a truck mount carpet cleaner?

A: The frequency of use depends on factors such as foot traffic and level of dirt accumulation. As a general guideline, it is recommended to deep clean your carpets with a truck mount carpet cleaner at least once every 6-12 months.

Q: Can a truck mount carpet cleaner remove pet stains and odors?

A: Yes, a truck mount carpet cleaner is highly effective in removing pet stains and odors. The powerful suction and cleaning capabilities of these machines can eliminate deep-seated stains and neutralize unpleasant odors caused by pets.

Q: Are truck mount carpet cleaners suitable for commercial use?

A: Absolutely! Truck mount carpet cleaners are widely used in commercial settings such as hotels, restaurants, and office buildings. Their powerful performance and efficiency make them ideal for tackling large areas and high-traffic spaces.

Q: Do I need professional training to operate a truck mount carpet cleaner?

A: While professional training is not mandatory, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the operation and maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure safe usage and optimal performance of your truck mount carpet cleaner.

Q: Can a truck mount carpet cleaner damage my carpets?

A: When used correctly, a truck mount carpet cleaner should not cause any damage to your carpets. However, it's important to follow proper cleaning techniques and guidelines provided by the manufacturer to avoid any potential issues.


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